Calls to Action

Calls to Action

Developers send aggregated financial data - transactions, accounts, and user data - to the FinSight API. The API analyzes the user’s spending and returns a stream of actionable advice called Calls to Action.

Calls to Action are linked to individual transactions and are intended to be added to the transaction feed. Providing advice right at the user’s finger tips, encourages end users to find new deals, vendors, and other opportunities to save money without changing their lifestyle.

Base URL Guide

Calls to Action
FinSight API
Data Enrichment
FinSight API

Endpoints and Webhooks

For full OpenAPI specifications including Endpoints and Webhooks see our FinSight docs on Swagger. Swagger uses the term Callback in place of Webhooks.


Supported On

  • GET transactions
  • GET accounts
  • GET users
  • GET finsights
  • POST transactions
  • POST accounts
  • POST users

Subtenancy is controlled by the Subtenant-ID header in the FinSight API. The header can be any string of the developer’s choosing. The Subtenant-ID should, however, be unique within the developer’s system.

If a Subtenant-ID header is included on a POST request, every record in the request body will be assigned to the subtenant. These records can then be targeted with subtenant-specific advice as needed.

If a Subtenant-ID header is included on a GET request, every record in the response data will be associated with the specified subtenant.

Platform specific guides

Now that you can successfully call the API, check out our guides pertaining to your specific integration. If you already have an aggregator, we have migration guides for Plaid, Yodlee, and MX , as well as guides for integrating with institutions like CDP. If you need access to another aggregator, please email